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Adeel Din


Hello, Im Adeel Din!

Passionate web developer from Toronto, ON, able to design and build attractive, responsive, and accessible websites following best practices. Sometimes I like to design things.

cartoon drawing of the left side of my face cartoon drawing of the left side of a colorful skull cartoon drawing of the left side of a brain cartoon drawing of the right side of a brain cartoon drawing of the right side of a colorful skull cartoon drawing of the right side of my face

Projects I've Worked On

  • PostersPlus +

    React html css js paypal firebase

    An imitation E-commerce site to purchase posters. Users can add posters of different sizes to cart, see detailed info and checkout with PayPal.

  • Anime Dot

    html css js api

    An API is used to filter content from MyAnimeList. Users chose a genre and anime of that genre gets displayed on the screen. Clicking on the image takes the user to the page.

  • Book Times

    html css js api firebase

    Users choose a genre and the page will display the most popular books in that genre from the NYT API. Users can also store books on their bookshelf seen at the bottom of the page.

  • The Pomodoro Timer

    html css js

    Users can use this site to run a Pomodoro Timer to get work done. They can also set tasks and remove them when completed.

  • Book Or Movie

    React html css js api firebase

    React group project. This website lets you search a movie and then determines if the book or movie was rated better by using two APIs.

  • Sanctuary Helper

    html css

    An html and css only site built in class to show we can build a website similar to a provided client design.

Checkout this site on a desktop (larger) screen for something different!

My ToolSet

Score: 0

Let's Talk!

If you want to chat just send me a quick message or use these other contact methods!